Toxic Gas Detector Manufacturer / Supplier / Exporter
Products Description
Model gaZsens Txi is dual safety device having combination of flame proof, weather proof certified (Ex'd') sensor housing & intrinsically safe (Exia) transmitter by CIMFR, Dhanbad (formerly known as CMRI), to be use in hazardous area for detection of Toxic gases like H2S, NH3, Cl2, & many more Refer Chart. The model gaZsens Txi toxic gas two / three sensor with having ranges 0-20/50/100 ppm. The detection is via electrochemical cell technology. This provides reliable and stable detection of toxic gases like Hydrogen Sulphide. The gaZsens Tx having two-wire 4-20mA analogue output following the industry standards.
Features :
- CIMFR certified. Designed to flameproof as per IS 2148:2004 (IEC60079-1/2001) & Weatherproof as per IS 12063-1987 (IEC 60529-1989) for use in hazardous area application.
- IP 55 sensor housing with a choice of threads. Flexibility for all installations.
- Electrochemical cell sensing technology. Proven, fast, reliable with a typical life of 2 years.
- Easy maintenance. Exchangeable electrochemical cells while powered.
Application :
- Offshore, onshore, petrochemical and chemical industries
- Water treatment, Chemical Industries, semiconductor fabrication
- Gas processing plants
- Compressor stations
- Fertilizer
- Sewage & Water treatment plants
- Gas Turbines
- Pharmaceutical & Chemical Industries
- Steel Industries