This Open Path Gas Detector (OPGD) is specific to Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S). The separate transmitter and receiver assemblies are certified for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and can detect H2S over distances of 5 to 60 meters. Constructed in high grade corrosion resistant 316 Stainless Steel this device is ideally suited for onshore and offshore, open and enclosed environments. With no consumable parts and the patented daily auto-self testing facility called ‘SimugasTM’, the Senscient ELDSTM H2S detector offers significant installed and operational cost savings over conventional fixed point toxic gas detectors.
Features :
- Fastest speed of response (<5 seconds) Increased safety by providing earlier warning.
- Operates up to 60 meters Significant installation cost savings over multiple fixed point gas detectors.
- No consumable parts  No on-going cost for replacement sensing elements and associated service labour.
- SimuGasTM daily auto gas testing No manual intervention or on-going cost for routine gas testing.
- H2S specific  No false alarms from interference gases as experienced with many fixed point toxic gas detectors.
- BluetoothTM connectivity  No physical intervention required for local interrogation, event log downloading and trouble shooting.